A great way to help earthquake and tsunami victims

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

ShelterBox is an amazing disaster relief organization that is usually a first responder internationally when any major disaster hits, delivering emergency shelter, warmth and dignity to people affected by disaster worldwide. It was founded by a fellow Rotarian and former Navy Seal. I've had the privilege to get to know a little about Shelterbox through my involvement in Rotary. The organization is simply amazing.

Shelterbox was a first responder to the Japan earthquake and tsunami. If you are looking for a reputable place to donate funds, please consider Donating to Shelterbox. The contents of the box are extremely well thought out, and those whom they are delivered to are in dire need.

You can hear the latest from Shelterbox on Twitter

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Learn more about them with this video

See pictures of the Shelterbox team in action


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