Girl About Town is about all things all things, forward thinking, smart, youthful and fun! Check in for tips on career, lifestyle, style, hotspots, local escapes, and fun about town. From posts on style, career tips, lifestyle, technology and social media, and fun things to do and see in town, you'll find tips to help you kick up your heels, stand out and be different, and live your best life!
About Genevieve
Like every girl about town, Genevieve keeps a lot of balls in the air. She has amassed a diverse array of business, marketing and entrepreneurial experience from making coffee, to managing the logistics of a fleet vehicle operation, consulting with small and large companies to target their brand and marketing efforts to Gen Y, to speaking and keynoting throughout the Pacific Northwest. She is an executive MBA candidate at the University of Washington's Foster School of Business.
Genevieve is a Portland area native and has spent a majority of her life about town in the Portland and Seattle metro areas. She enjoys shoes, wine, and the science channel, start-ups, skiing, bernese mountain dogs, art, reading, and hanging out with her girls and guys about town.
Genevieve can often be found out and about town in Portland, trying out the local fare. Whether it's cocktails at happy hour, a cup of Portland's best coffee, taking in a show, perusing boutiques, bombing down a ski hill, or bagpacking with her dog in the Columbia Gorge. Follow the musings of Girl About Town on Twitter at @gennyabouttown or Linked In:
Pretty excited to be sipping coffee at one of my favorite places, Moonstruck Chocolates.
Takin' the beach cruiser out for a spin on the Portland waterfront
Beautiful Oregon wine country with my guy abut town.