When Life has it out for a Girl About Town

Friday, February 27, 2009
Any bona fide gal about town knows, that you gotta work hard to get what you want. We're resourceful, street-smart fighters! We can adapt, change and learn. So what do you do when life just won't give you your way? I know how it feels, you feel dejected, rejected, wronged and unwanted. You've done everything you can to make it happen for yourself, and life still hands it right back to you...usually mangled...with a bow on it. Lady Luck sucks doesn't she?

Unless your life's ambition is to win the lottery or throw snake eyes in Vegas, there is hope for you, and you're not going to like it. You've gotta be a glutton for punishment my friend....just keep trying.

I have learned many things from the school of "hard knocks." A shred a wisdom I have gained at the ripe age of 25 is that in the past I have given up too easily and accepted defeat too quickly, and I know a lot of people who have done so even quicker and easier than I have! You have to have a game plan, you have to stick to it, you absolutly cannot forget what you want, and then you have to keep plugging away.

I have found that lots of things will distract you from getting what you want. Maybe it will be a "better" job, money, resources, time, relationships....whatever it may be, a true girl about town knows how take those setbacks for what they are, and continue to plug forward. All while wearing fantastic shoes of course.

What's is it that you want?

What are you doing to make it happen?


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